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The Art of Bunting

Bunting is a fundamental aspect of baseball. Through practice, bunting can be turned into a major offensive advantage for any given team. There are two types of bunting: the sacrifice bunt and bunting for a hit. The sacrifice bunt is the more commonly used of the two.

Sacrifice Bunt: The objective is to move a runner or runner(s) to a succeeding base. The batter's concern is on moving the runner(s) along, not trying to get a hit, by using one of two methods, the pivot or square around.

The Pivot


  • stance is with the feet shoulder width apart and remain square to the plate


  • stand closer to the pitcher than normal (in the batter's box)


  • pivot on both feet when pitcher takes the ball from glove during delivery (i.e. square to the pitcher)


  • body bent forward with knees bent and arms relaxed and extended forward


  • bat held in front of plate slightly slanted


  • bat is held lightly


  • top hand slides up barrel and forms a V shape with thumb on top and fingers underneath to hit low strikes lower body

Square Around


  • batter moves their front foot slightly to the outside while bringing their rear foot almost parallel with the front


  • continue with the pivot method from above with points 4-7

Here are several helpful hints for successful bunting:


  • important that the batter be in the front of the batter's box, allowing a better opportunity to bunt the ball in fair territory


  • hitters must attempt bunting strikes only


  • bunts should rarely be attempted with two strikes in the count (a bunted ball that goes foul is called a strike even if there are already two strikes on the batter)


  • do not go after the ball or 'jab' at it. This causes the ball to be popped up or hit too hard.


  • the batter should forget about getting a fast start to first base until after he/she has bunted.

  • The priority is in moving the runner(s) over with a good bunt, not in getting an infield hit.

