For players, coaches, and team officials, are as follows:
A block of rooms has been booked at the Days Inn in Winkler under Altona Minor Baseball. People should reference that when booking.
Other hotels we’d suggest are the Super 8 in Morden
Stampede Inn in Morris
We don’t have not booked blocks of rooms at the last two.
Note that we have a bunch of accommodations also ined up for players and coaches Mennonite Collegiate Institute in Gretna that will be available. Cost on those is $25 per person per night. People staying there would have to supply their own bedding. If teams are interested in this option they should contact me, Curt Letkeman at
Wednesday Night
Welcome meal in the park starting at 5:30 will consist of Watermelon & Rollkuchen (a traditional Mennonite meal). We encourage people to bring lawn chairs as the meal will be outdoors in the park.
Skills competitions:
Skills competition starting at 6:45 will have events for infielders, outfielders, catchers and hitters. Events will consist of the following:
· - Fastest runner home to third - kid hits a pitch and is timed going from home to third.
· -Infielders accuracy throw - balls hit to shortstop position and thrown to a net at first base to see how many they throw into the net.
· - Outfielder throw to home - catch fly balls and time their throws and accuracy to home
· -Catcher throws to second - time from when the ball hits their glove until the throw reaches second
- Home Run Derby
Each team can submit two players per event to represent their team. Players can only participate in one event.
Coaches meeting:
Coaches meeting to follow at 9:00pm.