(613) 748-5606

Conditioning for Pitchers

Pitching requires pre-season training to strengthen the entire body, and continued conditioning throughout the season in order to maintain that strength and stamina.

Pre-season work should begin at least 4 to 6 weeks before the season starts. The workouts begin with calisthenics to stretch out and loosen the muscles, followed by throwing, and finishing with conditioners (i.e. wind-sprints or pick-ups).

Throwing: For the first week of pre-season work-outs the pitcher should attempt to throw a little bit every day. They should begin with five minutes of soft-toss the first day and gradually increase to about fifteen minutes of easy throwing after a week. After the first week, a two-day throwing rotation will allow pitchers to throw progressively
longer and harder each time, with two days rest between each outing. Once the season begins, it is best if the two-day throwing rotation can be maintained.

Conditioning Drills

Running the Bases: The players line up at home plate and each in turn sprints to first base as if they are running out an infield hit. They then jog back to the end of the line at the plate. After each player has run to first base, they then run out a double, then a triple, then all four bases. Two or three rounds of this is an excellent conditioner.

Pick-Ups: The players pair-off and stand facing their partner, about six feet apart. The player with the ball tosses it about eight feet to one side of their partner, who chases after it, picks it up with two hands and flips it back to them. The ball is then tossed in similar fashion to the other side of the partner who follows the same procedure and flips it back to the thrower. This is repeated twenty-five times without pausing, then the players switch positions. Two sets of pick-ups after sprints will give pitchers a good work-out.
