The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance (CSTA) is pleased to announce it is now accepting nominations for the third annual PRESTIGE Awards. The nomination forms, criteria and supporting documentation can be found on-line. (
CSTA’S PRESTIGE Awards celebrate the people, places and events that make the Canadian sport tourism industry so dynamic. These awards are presented annually in five categories to individuals, companies and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the success of the sport tourism industry. The PRESTIGE Awards are presented at a gala luncheon event that takes place in conjunction with CSTA’s annual conference, Sport Events Congress.
Eligibility Criteria
Nomination Deadline
Nominations for the 2010 CSTA PRESTIGE Awards will be accepted until 8:00 pm EST on Friday, February 26th, 2010.
For more information, contact:
Steven Trainor, Project Coordinator
(613) 231-4105