OTTAWA-Beginning in May 2011 the Baseball Canada Umpires Committee teamed-up with KidSport™ Canada on a unique, one-of-a-kind program. The committee asked each umpire in Canada to donate one game fee from the 2011 season to KidSport™, an organization that ‘removes financial barriers that prevent kids from playing organized sport.’
“KidSport™ is thrilled with the results from Baseball Canada’s inaugural Umpires donation,” said Stana Campbell, Manager at KidSport™ Canada. “We want to thank the caring umpires in baseball communities across Canada for generously donating their fees from one game to support KidSport’s mission.”
“Collectively, the umpires raised over $10,000 in the first year of this unique partnership. KidSport™ Canada is excited about its continued partnership with Baseball Canada to expand the program next year.”
According to Baseball Canada’s National Supervisor of Umpires Corrie Davis, year one was simply about getting the message out to as many umpires as possible and educating people on what KidSport™ is all about.
“The program was a success in its first year,” said Davis. “Going forward the goal remains the same – to have every umpire in Canada donate one game fee.”
“The idea is for this to be standard for umpires across Canada,” continued Davis. “When you sign up to become an umpire you know that you are encouraged to donate one of your game fees to KidSport™.”
Donations reached their highest totals in western Canada and in particular, the provinces of Alberta and Manitoba where one umpire donated $1000 throughout the season.
One area that the program received huge exposure from was the use of local minor baseball tournaments to promote the initiative and educate people on KidSport™.
An example of this was the Dave "DOC" Plotsky Memorial Tournament in Sherwood Park, Alberta held in early June. Umpires traded in their familiar blue shirts for yellow KidSport™ shirts to raise awareness of the program. Members of the KidSport™ Alberta chapter were on-site to answer questions and provide information. In total, $2275.00 was raised during the weekend tournament.
“It was so great to see all the umpires wearing KidSport™ t-shirts and wristbands,” said KidSport™ Alberta Executive Director Carole Holt.” “It really set them apart and they should be proud of what they accomplished in a very short period of time.”
Holt was pleased with the success that program achieved in year one and says that the umpires deserve a lot of credit for coming up with the concept.
“It was a great start (for the program) and it really helped to raise the bar for other National and Provincial Sport Organizations,” explained Holt.”
“Since the Umpires were the ones that initiated this, it also helped to raise awareness for the other people that make sport possible beyond the coaches and the players. Without officials, programs cannot exist, so for them to step up and do this on behalf of kids all across Canada, they really went beyond what any other organization has done.”
Similar initiatives took place at the Baseball Canada Cup in August where umpires donated some of their per diem money to KidSport™ and at the Midget Championship in Regina where umpires took it upon themselves to make a donation to this great cause.
In addition to promoting the program through various tournaments an on-line auction is in the works which Davis says will help in supplementing the donations.
“In the end, we want this program with KidSport™ to be sustainable and gain momentum each year.”