Indoor Workouts
Most coaches in Canada should consider indoor practice sessions because of inclement weather conditions. General conditioning of all muscles through calisthenics, running and throwing, can be accomplished indoors. Space limitations can be overcome by using stations when conducting drills. Divide your squad in small groups, one to each station with a rotational system where each group can go from station to station.
Conditioning Circuit: Comprised of 3 stations: A wind sprints, B calisthenics and C pick-ups.
Hitting Circuit: Comprised of 4 stations: A hip rotation and stride drills, B pepper drill , C screen drill and D batting tee drill. The coach must ensure that each of the last two drills do not have balls being hit into the other circuit stations by having the players hit balls into exercise mats. Note: for indoor practices rubber practice balls should be used.
Throwing and Receiving Drills: Refer to the throwing and receiving drills to decide which drills you should incorporate into each station.
Running: Running should be done after the practice session. One or two laps around the gymnasium is enough at the beginning of the practice.
Calisthenics and Stretching: This warm-up should be followed by an exercise program of calisthenics and stretching exercises that condition all parts of the body:
Neck: The head should be rotated slowly in a circular manner; clock-wise and counter-clock-wise
Shoulders: The arms should be swung in a circular motion, forwards and backwards.
Trunk: Place hands on hips and twist the torso while in a bending position, clock-wise and counter clock-wise.
Legs: (hamstring) Stand erect, cross one foot over the other, with the heel of the crossed foot up. This will keep the pelvis straight as the player slowly reaches to the ground. Repeat six times. Switch leg positions and repeat. (Groin)Spread legs as far as possible with the heel of the forward leg on the ground and the toe of the back leg on the ground. Slowly bob the pelvis towards the ground six times. Switch legs and repeat.
The coach should try and come up with a balanced mixture of exercises, making sure that all parts of the body are properly stretched and warmed up.