OTTAWA- Baseball Canada is pleased to announce the launch of a mobile stats site designed to deliver every pitch in real-time to your mobile device, such as your iPhone, BlackBerry or Android.
At this summer’s Baseball Canada National Championships, you can follow your favourite team by surfing to on a mobile phone, or by typing in the dedicated URL into a mobile phone's web browser. Once there, you can search for Baseball Canada or for your favourite team. We recommend that once you find your favourite team; bookmark that page on your mobile phone to more easily find it next time.
Our new mobile site comes with a mobile-friendly version of the popular GAME LIVE feature, which displays real-time scores and stats in a graphically pleasing format. With GAME LIVE, there is no need to refresh your browser during live games to see updates. Every pitch, the count, etc. will appear automatically as they happen live at the baseball diamond.
Baseball Canada's new mobile site is powered by our technology and statistics partner, Pointstreak Sports Technologies Inc.